Frequently Asked Questions

How are shipping costs calculated?

Shipping costs are calculated based on shipping method (air, sea or land) and product weight / volume. Different shipping companies have different rates, so it’s best to check and compare which is most affordable and economical. For more details on how shipping costs are calculated, please contact us directly.

What is Buyer Protection?

Buyer Protection is a set of guarantees that enables buyers to shop with confidence on our website. You are protected when:

● The item you ordered did not arrive within the time promised.
● The item you received was not as described.
● The item you received that was assured to be genuine was fake.

Do you offer Free Shipping?

Yes!!! We offer free shipping for all orders over 60€

How long does it takes to ship?
Once you have placed your order, we need 2-3 business days for processing. When your package is ready to go, you will receive an e-mail with the tracking number. Please be sure to include the correct shipping information to avoid any delays or lost packages.
What materials do you use?
Most of our products are based on high end stainless steel, sterling silver 925 and natural materials such as fresh water pearls or semi precious stones. All of our jewelry are made to last for a long time, tarnish and corrosion free!
How should I take care of my jewelry?
You will not have to worry so much, when you buy The Runaways Label jewelry. Stainless steel is a very durable metal that allows you to do your everyday activities, carelessly. However for the best performance of your new jewelry, we suggest to keep each piece seperately in a dust bag or in a jewelry box to avoid scratches or tangles.